Tapolcán a Fa-Ló pubban rendezünk koncerteket. A következő koncertekről infót lejjebb görgetve, illetve a Hírek/News fülre kattintva találsz. A hazai bandákat általában mi hívjuk meg, de ettől még persze nyugodtan írhattok a lentebb lévő e-mail címre.
Tapolca shows are organized in Fa-Ló Pub. You can find more info if you roll down.
If you happen to be on tour, and you wanna' play here, feel free to write to us. We can't promise we’ll be able to book shows for all the bands interested, but we will definitely try. Usually we can pay for your gas, provide food, home-made beer and accommodation. All shows are supported by local bands. See them under Bands menu.
kontakt/contact: breakthesilencenow [at] gmail [dot] com